Sunday, April 1, 2007

Welcoming Contributor Ben Model

Its with great pleasure that I welcome Ben Model as a contributing writer to "The Ernie Kovacs Blog."

Many people ask me how I got started writing about Ernie Kovacs. It started simply enough. As an Ernie fan I was surfing the Internet about 8 years ago looking for Ernie sites. Ben's was one of best out there. I contacted him and started contributing articles. That led to me eventually start my own Ernie site,

In addition to his extensive knowledge about Ernie Kovacs, Ben is also a writer, musician, composer and expert on silent film who works regularly as a silent film accompanist. He runs a showcase called the Silent Clowns Film Series for which he provides the piano accompaniment. Its well worth your time to go see their offerings.

Click here to view Ben's blogger profile and view his blogs. Ben's Ernie Kovacs site can be found at


Ben Model said...

Thanks for 'welcoming me into your living room', as it were. I hope to contribute info and insight when I can.

In the meantime, remember to watch "The Kapusta Kid in Outer Space" and eat your "Choc-O-Spin"!


Kovacsland Online!

Al Quagliata said...

LOL. Thanks Ben!